

Personalized Research

Our initial consultation will clearly define your research objectives including any specific targets, your budget, and your desired output (how you would like the findings delivered to you). What’s most important is that your expectations are met, and hopefully exceeded. It’s important to communicate whatever information you already know, and get in touch with any additional information that may surface. For all multi-generational research projects, you will receive a Pedigree Chart and an indexed Ahnentafel Report. Descriptions of these reports and Premium reports are listed on our Publishing page.

DNA Consulting

There are many DNA testing options on the market today, and it does make a difference which one you chose. If you’ve already taken a DNA test, we can help you interpret the results beyond your estimated ethnicity. DNA is an incredibly useful tool to identify and connect to cousins you didn’t know you had, find that missing link, or help to validate descendance from specific targets. If you’ve thought about it, we encourage you to take a test. It is safe and your privacy rights are protected. We can recommend the specific test (atDNA, mtDNA or Y-DNA) for best results, and manage the complete process.

Lineage Societies

Proving your lineage to become an approved member in lineage societies such as The Society of Mayflower Descendants or Sons / Daughters of the American Revolution can be a daunting, time consuming process. These societies follow strict genealogical standards to prove birth, death and marriage for each individual in each generation. We can help identify the suspected qualifying ancestor and prove (or disprove) direct descendance, and complete your application for submission to the society.

Our Pricing Model

Our prices vary by project, but as a rule of thumb, single subject research assignments are billed at US $25.00 per hour plus incurred expenses. Multi-generational research projects are billed at US $75.00 per hour plus incurred expenses, and clients receive a Pedigree Chart and an Ahnentafel Report upon completion of the project. Examples of standard reports and some of our premium reports and presentation products can be found on our Publishing page. All engagements begin with a consultation where research objectives and your budget are clearly defined. All personal information derived from your research project is held in the strictest confidence.

We look forward to working together.

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